Peniocereus striatus/diguetti    8/31/21
This is a relative of the "Arizona Queen of the Night." (Peniocereus greggii.) I give two species names because I think that the argument hasn't been settled. I came by the seed in an odd way. Doris and I went for a kayak paddle in the Sea of Cortez in 2004 over xmas. I mentioned my cactus obsession to our hired guides, and one of them came up to me after a few days holding a partially eaten fruit of the above species. I isolated the seeds. The plant above has stems less than the diameter of a pencil. As with its congener, greggii, this species is best kept as grafts on less touchy roots than the original roots. I grafted all my several plants and they're dong fine these past 16 years. (109/112)