Cactus and Succulent Society of New Mexico

Cactus & Succulent Society of New Mexico is an affiliate of the Cactus and Succulent Society of America.

Meeting Info: Albuquerque Garden Center, 10120 Lomas Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM, usually on the 3rd Wednesday, at 7:00 pm. 
Check Upcoming Events below for information on the next meeting. 

President: Matthew-Ryan Morrell
Webmaster: Ralph R. Peters

To contact the CSSNM via email, please use this address:

     Albuquerque yard plants
my images
       Echinocereus X roetteri
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, February 26, 2025 - This meeting is a week later than usual!   Work will continue on the Spring Show & Sale. 
Ralph Peters will talk about the cacti in the San Rafael Swell area in south central Utah with lots of scenery images.  He will talk a bit about how these plants grow with such cold winters.
Note: The gate to the parking lot on the East side of the Albuquerque Garden Center building will be locked.  It requires a 4 digit code to open.  Members receive the gate code (which has not changed in years) in the email meeting announcement.   Visitors are welcome to follow a member in.
Wednesday, March 19, 2025 - Regular Meeting with final planning for the Spring Show & Sale. 
Donnie Barnett from Pueblo CO will be our speaker.  He has a major interest in cold-hardy cacti and succulents.  More on the details of his presentation later.
Saturday and Sunday, April 12 -13, 2025 - Spring Show & Sale at the Albuquerque Garden Center.  Pictures from previous shows can be seen here.

Video presentations!
Videos of some recent presentations may be found on YouTube!  These include  "Cacti of the Atacama Desert in Chile",   "Flora of Bosque del Apache: A tour of the Desert Arboretum and the Pollinator Habitat Enhancement Project",  "The Desert Grocery Store", " Wandering around Central New Mexico", and two presentations about South African Succulents.

Information about plants
Plant information may be found here.   Check out the article on potting soils which lists potting soil recipes from several members..

Useful links for information on the web may be found here.  Check out the blog from Australia.

Club Information
Club information including hybrid meeting information, membership application, new member information, current officers, a library list, show information, show tags, show posters and vendor information... 

You can apply for membership or renew it online.  CSSNM uses PayPal to pay the annual fee.

What does the society do?  Get an idea from a list of recent events .

