Membership Application or Renewal for C&SSNM

New members - please fill in all applicable information.
Renewing members - please fill in your name, email address, phone number and any changes in your information.
Annual membership is $15 per household which is paid with PayPal. You need a valid PayPal account!

Application type?     New member:   




How do you grow? 
  Yard:   Window:   Under Lights:
  Greenhouse:   Other:

Favorite Genera:

Program suggestion?
Volunteer for program?

Volunteer for:  
Officer:   Co-Chair an Event:   Other:

How do you buy plants?  
 Locally:   Order:  
 Raise From Seed:   Buy At Our Sale:

Now, send member information and pay membership fee  

This will open a second page where you can use PayPal to pay the annual membership fee of $15 per household.
Payment with PayPal is required for a valid membership!

If you have questions, comments, or suggestions please email us at

CSSNM home page