I decided to refresh your understanding of the information attached to each picture. 

On this picture we see:

=  the genus of the plant; this corresponds to your last name. 

= the species; this corresponds to your given name. 

= this third name corresponds to endless arguments;  it may be a subspecies, a variety, etc.  Since we have trouble defining species (I don’t - it’s a population capable of reproducing individuals that look much alike) this third name feeds our human need to be really nasty to each other. 

= This is a “collection number”.  The pattern is always one or more letters, in this case KK, which identify the collector, in this case Karel Knitze, followed by a number.  The number is what KK gave the collected plant or seed batch in his field notes.  There should be other information in this notebook, starting with where the plant material was collected.  In principle, if you buy any plant material (seeds, plants) from any seller on earth having this number attached, you should get something that’s a direct descendant from the original KK536.  (My collections start with SNL.) 

  = This is the Mesa Garden (MG) catalog number for this plant.  I don’t mean to be a shill for Mesa Garden, but it is the source for an amazing number of the worlds cacti and succulent plants and seeds.  They are at least 99% reliable in my experience.  Others in the world are less so.  I’ve never actually asked Steven Brack, the now former owner, but this business in Belen, New Mexico, might be the major world’s supplier of cactus and succulent seeds.  The point of giving this number is if you really like the plant pictured, you can get usually seeds, sometimes plants, from Mesa Garden.  If you don’t like dealing with Mesa Garden, fall back on the collection number and buy the seed from some other business.  Chances are you’ll be buying Mesa Garden seeds for two to ten times (or more!) the Mesa Garden price.  (Mesa Garden is continuing as I write under new ownership.)

= This is the date I took the picture.  Every mailing has pictures taken since the last mailing.  I can’t remember ever using an older picture in any mailing.

Then copious notes....